Thursday, August 28, 2008

Plush worm

Ugly Overload: Lightening the Mood

Monday, August 25, 2008


Embedded Video

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Olympic failure

20 Olympic failures:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Skatebook Volume 3

Is that Bart Simpson taking the leap of faith?
Apparently Skatebook Volume 3 also features Ethan Fowler, The Tempster & Andrew Reynolds.


Skatebook Volume 3

Thursday, August 14, 2008

8-Bit Slayer

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Run With The Torch

Watching the 2008 Olympics live broadcast before going to work rocks. I witnessed some incredible display of power, balance and plain awesomeness.
What's up: Chinese male gymnastics team (FUCK!!!), Michael Phelps + USA swimming team, Togo kayak medal man, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant...
Gonna try to find some vids, the Chinese dude at the ringz was unbelievable.

After watching the Olympics during breakfast comes a public transport trip to work = blending in with the Buurtslagers/Renmans/ASLK bag crowd. I actually saw a woman reading the Holy Bible this week and a cow in a 'pretveld'.


Karl Vannieuwkerke keeps bumming me out. So does Carl Huybrechts. <3 wikipedia crapping.

There seems to be a Carl/Karl fail curse on every big sports event. :-(
Keeping it well-balanced: Carl Lewis, Chasarion & Carl Crack.



"Straight out, I'm heading for a miracle
Pushing the edge making it subliminal
To loose or win that's not the essence
Teamwork makes for us all the difference
Although you cannot tell me
They're all jokers of some training therapy
Programmed to go for only one thing
Gold medals hanging on a string
Gotta run
Gotta run, run with the torch yeah
So long ago all watching the TV-screens
Hearts beating like you never ever ever seen
Eternal flame burns in the heart
But every four years it glows for Olympiad
See them skating with the smile on the ice
A kind of magic straight out of paradise
Programmed to go for only one thing
Gold medals hanging on a string
Gotta run
Gotta run, run with the torch yeah
One thing's for sure
Winning can be beautiful
Competition is real
And totally natural
But be honest with yourself
When you're a part of the game
Playing on dope just ain't the same
Tears of pain and tears of joy
It doesn't really matter
As long as you enjoy
Programmed to go for only one thing
Gold medals hanging on a string
The need for sport is driven by passion
United all over in colours and fashion
Gotta run
Gotta run, run with the torch yeah"

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Beating the Heat

Everybody In - Beating the Heat - The Big Picture -

Thursday, August 7, 2008


BME: Tattoo, Piercing and Body Modification News » Geek


So I was in France for a couple of days last month. Some things I noticed in traffic:

- French people only drive Citroën, Peugeot, Renault and Ford.
- The mountain speed limits are insane, 70 km/h on downhill roads barely wide enough to fit half a Twingo. And I'm not even mentioning what's next to those roads... Madness? This is France!
- However, the French drivers stick to the road signs. 90 down a suicide road = 90. 30 through a ghost town = 30.
- Frenchies don't give a fuck about their cars. On and on, reckless abandon.
- July = invasion of the Dutch and their "sleurhut".
- Péage, or how to freak out control freaks. The mentally-unstable's nightmare. Different kind of payment lanes are badly indicated, resulting in a 110+ cars/vehicles swapping lanes. Machines don't read tickets. Hollanders busting the gate with their oversized trailer. ....

<3 cruise control + air conditioning

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Life's A Mixtape

In the "Life's A Mixtape"-series on Josh Fury & Hans Liar.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Disarmed missile with a paper clip

I stumbled upon this List Of Problems Solved By MacGyver, which is pretty impressive for a dude with a mullet.
The list is also known as MacGyverisms.


i am neurotic.