Tuesday, September 2, 2008

On the outside

Google decided to release their very own browser, called Chrome. Tech details: Webkit based (just like Safari), auto-completion (using the insane Google search database), one process for each tab,...

Will be testing this piece of software soon.

The august/september transition in public transportation life hits like a sledgehammer to the face. Noticed this week:
- a 14-year old girl showing off a pair of fluffy handcuffs
- a black man nearly snoring his nose off (actually thought it was a candid camera prank, hilarious!)

Ipod plays: Staind, By A Thread, Ten Foot Pole, City And Colour.


Unknown said...

this comment was written in chrome.
slick as expected. het toevoegen/klasseren van bookmarks lijkt op het eerste zicht moeilijker dan gewoonlijk... we zullen zien. ik ben wel fan. de addressbar die de hoofddomein iets donkerder toont dan de rest van de url = nice. Veel schermruimte = nice ... TBC

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